What comes next?

There are definite signs that a need for adventure has sunk deep into the soul. The feeling that the comfort zone that you are living in is inescapable. The routine of life isn’t brought into balance with a feeling that what you are doing is important or necessary. However, the signs an adventure should end…

Ko Sichang: A Pre-vacation

There is no way in hell I am walking down that,” I exclaimed upon realization that the gangway was made of little more than metal skeleton for hand rails and wooden 2x4s nailed to what looked like a rotten wood plank. It was stabilized by a simple tire on the roof of the boat. There…

A Letter to Those Considering a TEFL Course

I was asked to write a post to those who are considering signing up for the Samui TEFL course and the realities of my journey afterwards. I know that I have written about Samui TEFL in the past but I thought this was a more in depth look at the day to day activities as…

New Year; Only One Resolution

It is 20 minutes until the New Year. I have one resolution to simply experience everything to the best of my ability. I don’t want to be handed an opportunity only to be too afraid to embrace it. The good and the bad because both makes you a stronger person and a better writer. Many…

Another Step Closer; Fears

I have been stuck in the portion of the journey that requires copious amounts of paperwork, meetings, and logistics. I sometimes catch myself forgetting that I am, in the next 7 weeks, moving to a foreign country. I have forgotten to daydream. You know I am not myself when not one moment in my day is…

It’s begun.

I might not have booked the flight yet but it feels real. I daydream about Scotland almost daily. I think about what the cold, wet stone will feel like under my feet. I wonder who I will meet. There are only so many times that you can read about adventure before you have to embark…